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Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
In episode 31 we are joined by Odessa Orlewicz, host of Liberty Talk Canada. Having had her youtube channel nuked as a result of her coverage of Canada’s descent into dystopia, Odessa decided to go it alone and create her own censorship free platform called Librti.As part of her work Odessa courageously calls out anyone and everyone involved in the dark agenda now in play. Something that has made her not only a trusted source of information for free thinking Canadians, but a thorn in the side of those in power. So much so she even caught the ire of Trudeau himself.
So in tonight’s show Mike learns more about the evolution of Odessa, from everyday Canadian to freedom fighter. We discuss why Canada particularly has become the pointy end of the totalitarian spear and the multi pronged attack on freedom currently taking place there.In part 2 Mike and Odessa look specifically at what is happening in terms of the land grab agenda that is taking place in Canada with the unfortunately named ‘UNDRIP’ regulation. As well as this they discuss the weaponising of indigenous communities, wildfires, assisted suicide and more.As always, they also get into solutions. Do we stay and fight, or leave and start afresh. Odessa gives her take and discusses how a recent interview with Parallel Mike inspired her own decisions when it comes to land and property.
EPISODE LINKS:MEMBERS/ PART 2: www.parallelmike.comMIKE’S INVESTING COMMUNITY: LINKS:LIBRTI SOCIAL: Odessa Orlewicz ( CHANNEL: Libertytalkcanada ( Odessa Orlewicz (@OdessaOrlewicz) / X (
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
In 2023 a book was released called the Great Taking, detailing a grand conspiracy to steal all of our assets in the coming financial crisis. The story goes that over the past 50 years property rights have been quietly and secretly usurped. Replacing the legal ownership of our securities with a subordinated from of ownership called a ‘securities entitlement’.
Whilst sounding to outrageous to be true, this really is a case of the truth being far stranger (and more terrifying) than fiction. Enter the DTCC and their subsidiary CEDE & CO – the legal owner of 99% of all US securities.
How is this possible? Surely this cannot be the case. If it were we really would be being set up to truly own nothing…and be miserable. Join us as we uncover the formation of the most dangerous corporation on planet earth, the Depositories Trust and Clearing Corporation. Who are they and how did they come to own everything, and just what on earth do they plan to do with all of it.
More to the point, is there anything we can do about this wicked plot, to regain our property rights and ensure that we do not go down with the ship in the coming event that will forever be known as The Great Taking? In episode 30 we go deep into the rabbit hole to find out. Buckle up, this one is going to be a bumpy ride.
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
In episode 29 we are joined by fellow podcaster and pillar of the UK freedom community Jonny HODL. Driven by frustration at seeing the world descend into the madness (and tyranny) that was 2020 and 2021 – Jonny decided to take action and start a podcast dedicated to freedom and being a sovereign citizen.Since that time Jonny has interviewed a significant number of prominent voices in the UK and also international freedom community. What makes Jonny’s show so unique is his desire to amplify all voices in the freedom community, however well known or in fact unknown they are. As such, it was Jonny who was first to interview your very own presenter Mike.So Mike and Jonny share a lot in common and in part one they talk a lot about the journey from 2020 to today, including their families responses to their decision to speak out publicly. Jonny tells us about his move to Mexico also and what it is like in terms of living sovereign – given many people fled there in 2021 to escape their own countries draconian measures. Is it all it cracked up to be – or just another apparatus of the global octopus of control?Heading into part 2 the conversation shifts to matters of meaning, with Mike and Jonny discussing how God and spirituality fit into their understanding of the world and their desire to speak out publicly. Mike tells listeners more about how he came to realize meaning in his own life following a bout of depression. Meanwhile Jonny discusses how psychedlics helped him realize their was more to life than just dead materialism.This is a great discussion that is sure to get the listener reflecting on their own beliefs and how God or Creator might be present in their own life. Jonny and Mike also talk extensively about why today, more than ever before in history, the currency of life is integrity and authenticity – something both saw in one another and led to this conversation.
JONNYS LINKS:LINKTREE: The Staying Free Podcast(jonnyhodl)PODCAST: The Staying Free Podcast
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
In episode 28 we are joined by Lanni from Greener Postures. Lanni is an expert in food preservation and canning. These are skills of old which enabled families to survive without a refrigerator and preserve their harvest so they could survive hard winters. Today, many of us have sadly forgotten that such skills exist, and just how valuable they are for ensuring our survival during hard times.
This is one of the reasons I wanted to get Lanni on the show. Knowing as we do that hard times may be ahead of us and food will almost certainly be a component of any future hardships…there has never been a better time to relearn the food preserving techniques of old. Age old wisdom that enabled our ancestors to survive hardships like the Great Depression and during times of cyclical hardship, like hard winters or periods of poverty.
In part one Lanni takes us through her history and explains what led her to homesteading and particularly canning and preserving, before going into a discussion on the benefits of using our food this way. Included in this we get into fermenting, canning, raw milk, food health and safety culture….and much more! Then in part 2 the rubber really hits the road as I get Lanni’s take on the Great Depression 2.0 and what she thinks listeners can do right now to begin getting prepared for such a scenario.
This one is full of practical advice and tips that we could all do with brushing up on before the coming winter. For those of us who want to take this knowledge even further Lanni has a series of fantastic workshops over on her website where she will teach you personally the skills she has been perfecting over the past decade. For more information check out the links below!
LANNI’S LINKS:LINKTREE: Greener Postures | Twitter, Instagram | LinktreeWORKSHOPS: Workshops – Greener PosturesPODCAST: Podcast – Greener Postures
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
In episode 27 we are joined by Professor of Critical Studies and Italian Fabio Vighi to discuss the current shifts taking place in both the global monetary order and also in general, in terms of the Western epoch of civilization. Fabio reveals to us his ideas on what he terms 'crisis capitalism', which to use Fabio's own words is the idea that 'today’s capitalism no longer needs crises to enhance its capacity for growth; rather, it needs them to hide its chronic impotence.'
This is a lively discussion exploring the structural elements of financial and societal collapse. In this Fabio explores why we have arrived at the place we now find ourselves collectively, swimming in debt and choking on credit...and the perils that might be ahead of us yet. This one is both thought provoking and perhaps challenging too, particularly for those of who long for a return to the cowboy capitalist days of old.
Is poses the question is that even possible? Or was it always the case that the economic system we loosely term as 'capitalism' would eventually, and tragically, take us to where we find ourselves right now? Fabio's views, based on his rich understanding of both philosophy and economics (as well as history) certainly makes for compelling listening.
But whether or not you agree or disagree with Fabio or Mike, this one is certain to make you think and hopefully think in a way that will help you prepare for what we all see now as the unavoidable collapse of the debt based ponzi scheme that has come to define the global monetary experiment. To find out more about Fabio and his work I would recommend reading his writings over at the Philosophical Salon ( Fabio is also a regular guest on Rick Munn's TNT Radio broadcast called 'Locked and Loaded' ( If you search for his name in the show list a number of discussion will appear which are highly recommended!
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
What does masculinity look like in the modern world and how can we as men, ferment it in ways the help us and our community move boldly forward into a more self sufficient reality, outside of the mainstream system?
In episode 26 of the Parallel Mike Podcast we are joined by PJ Buys to discuss these themes, as well as the coming societal collapse. In this we reflect on our roles as men and our own journeys towards becoming positive role models, leaders and community builders.
In part 1 PJ shares with us his story of growing up as a talented athlete, and the pressure this put on him and his relationship with his father. Mike too, discusses what his experiences were growing up the son of a well known gangster. We discuss inter generational trauma, healing and forgiveness.
In part 2 Mike and PJ discuss preparing for parallel systems with gold and silver, creating meaningful relationships and what we will do if the rug gets pulled over winter. This is another great conversation with plenty of wisdom on offer.
PJ BUYSBOOK: Gradually, Gradually, Suddenly: The Coming Financial Collapse and The Hope of Jesus Christ eBook : Buys, P.J.: Kindle Store
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Today almost every nation in the world has a privately owned central bank sat atop it. This is a system whereby a tiny cabal of banking elites loan fake FIAT money that is created out of thin air to the nation...with interest attached.The money is backed by nothing of value and the debt is unpayable, creating what amounts to a system of permanent debt slavery for the citizens who must repay the debt through taxation.But the debt can never be repaid, because the system is an illusion...a fraud...a con trick. So how did this perverse system of parasitism come to be? Where did it come from and how did they manage to pull off the greatest scam in human history and use it to takeover the world?In episode 25 we reveal the history of the financial vampires, a small cabal of banking elites who banded together to take over the world through the enactment of central banking. Beginning in part one in the lagoons of Venice we chart the destructive path of the monied men from their merchant banking days in Italy to their takeover of England.How did the once wealthy nation of England, who kicked out the bankers in 1290 leading to a period of unbridled prosperity become recaptured by the banking oligarchy? In part 1 we uncover the untold story of how the banksters used war, espionage and political capture to eventually establish the Bank of England...the central bank on which all others would be modeled.In part 2 we follow the story over to America, when having already trapped Britain in forever war and eternal debt the banksters saw another opportunity for enrichment and expansion of power. Having failed on three attempts due to the heroism of key political figures within America who fought off the bankers attacks, in 1910 a secret meeting on Jekyll Island proposed the creation of a central bank that came to be known as the Federal Reserve.It is this story we shall recount in part 2, highlighting the many twists and turns along the way and the brave men who opposed the vampire bankers plans.
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Ryder Lee is a podcaster and researcher who's work covers a range of hidden histories on what are often hard to reach subjects. In tonight's episode we discuss two such topics. In part one we talk about Ryder's most recent work on UFO death cults. In this conversation Ryder shares with us what he has found out having studied countless examples of UFO death cults. When it comes to the nature of these cults and those who are captured by them. We then consider how this cult indoctrination is very relevant to many of the things taking place in the world right now. In part 2 Ryder discusses his research into the top secret CIA and American Intel programs of the 1970's in which they sought to recruit, train and use psychic spies. Which is to say people who have the gift of clairvoyancy and astral travel. Two topics, one epic conversation, with a man who is producing some of the most exciting independent research in the world today. Of course, if you enjoyed this show you will love Ryder's own podcast 'Raised By Giants'. Ryder has also recently released a documentary on both his and Jay Weider's deep dive & potentially history changing analysis of the JFK assassination titled 'JFK X'. For those who want to know what real boots on the ground alt. research looks like I highly recommend you check this one out.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
In episode 23 of the Parallel Mike Podcast we are joined by Researcher and DJ Matt Sergiou to discuss the history of the British Counterculture and specifically the rise of the Beatles. This is one of the most important periods of history and similarly, when it comes to understanding how we got to the low level of consciousness we now find ourselves in collectively.
As part of this exploration we question just how much the rise of bands like the Beatles were orchestrated by social engineers and those who would seek to control the mass mind. We look into the infamous Tavistock Clinic and Theodor Adorno, their music psychologist who just so happened to become the manager of the Beatles.
Part one focuses mainly on the rise of the counterculture and the birth of the Beatles whilst part 2 goes into the suspicious death of John Lennon and we ask just who really was Yoko Ono…daughter of a banker elite and supposedly of a Royal Bloodline also. Then Matt explains how the avante garde movement paved the way for the counterculture movement of the 1950’s.
Guest Biography:Based in the UK, Matt Sergiou is a researcher, podcaster and blogger. He’s the proprietor of the sites ‘The Occult Beatles’ (which takes a look at the occult and conspiratorial aspects, whether alleged or not, of this band and its members) and ‘Conspiro Media’ which was first launched in 2011 and that, since 2016, has been focused mainly on the 1960s counter-culture scene of the UK and, predominantly, in London for clues of possible social-engineering – Matt plans to publish his extensive research into this ongoing project into book form.
A former club-DJ of nearly 30 years and a radio-presenter too, Matt is also a former broadcast-news reader and journalist, and whilst he was in this line of work over 20 years ago now, he saw for himself the fakery that takes place at the audience’s expense. EPISODE LINK:PART 2 FOR MEMBERS AT: https://www.parallelmike.comMIKES INVESTING NEWSLETTER:
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
In episode 22 we are joined by Jenny Zakrzewski to discuss her view that we are on the precepice of a monumental shift of energy here on earth that will take us to the fabled Golden Age, a time in which humanity is spiritually awakened, civilization moves forwards in great leaps and people are at peace with both one another and mother earth. In part 1 Jenny explores what a golden age is and what past golden ages manifested life by discussing both Atlantis and Lemuria.
Jenny explains her rationale for stating that we are now entering another golden age and why she believes nothing can stop this energetic shift now taken place - not even the NWO agenda. In part 2 Mike and Jenny discuss how to embrace the growing spiritual awakening that is happen irrespective of age...something that we have all seen unfolding since 2020.
We also get into personal development and building a better future for ourselves and future generations...the New Earth as it is sometimes called. The real parallel system.