Parallel Mike Podcast

The Parallel Mike Podcast lifts the veil on 5000 plus years of monetary alchemy and hidden esoteric knowledge. Along the way we attempt to decode the past, by exploring the spirituality & symbolism that surrounds us all.

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Thursday Jan 04, 2024

2024 is here and in our first episode of the year we tackle a Titanic conspiracy. Because the sinking of the Titanic on April 15th 1912 remains to this day one of the most suspicious disasters over the past 150 years. Naturally, it has become the source of a whole host of conspiracies and one of the most prominent of these just so happens to involve central banking.The story goes like this…J.P. Morgan who owned the Titanic and purposely sunk the ship on her maiden voyage in order to do away with a number of powerful and wealthy men who were actively opposing the creation of the Federal Reserve. And whilst this conspiracy is shared extensively online, including by many a prominent alternative media researchers, it turns out there is a gaping hole in this theory which we reveal in show number 42.Using newly found evidence we take apart the conspiracy, only to find ourselves swimming up to our necks in another. Because make no mistake, the sinking of the Titanic was likely not an accident. There is much evidence to suggest that at least some people had foreknowledge that the vessel was going to sink. It could even be that it was planned all along, which we explore in tonight’s episode.So join us aboard the SS Titanic, or is it the SS Olympic, as we uncover the truth as to what was going on with the sinking of this almighty vessel. How does it relate to central banking, if at all? Was it actually just one big insurance fraud? Or was it even an occult ritual? Let’s find out, in this fascinating deep dive into the Titanic conspiracy.EPISODE LINKS:PART 2 FOR MEMBERS: www.parallelmike.comMIKE’S INVESTING NEWSLETTER:

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

2023 is not quite over but 2024 rapidly approaches us and it's already shaping up to be one for the ages. So what to do? We could bury our heads in the sand or freeze in terror, and many are choosing to do just that. Or we could choose to face the future head on. And what better time to think about how to do this than now, as we head into the new year.
To help us reflect on how we might do this Mike invited coach and sports philosopher Jordan B Goldstein onto the show to talk about self transformation. Something which Jordan has been helping people to achieve over the past 2 years, showing them how to become more enduring and self reliant human beings by engaging in endurance sports and voluntary hardship.
Like Mike, Jordan has a love of trail running and taking on physical challenges out in nature as a way of moving closer to self actualization. But coaching wasn't always his path, and before 2020 Jordan was all set for a career in academia. His outspoken approach to the covid tyranny post 2019 lay waste to this however and in part 1 Jordan tells his story of how he stood up for what was right and took the courageous path in his own life, including his involvement in one of the largest free speech scandals in Canadian history long before covid began.
Then in part 2 Mike and Jordan go deeper into the spiritual and psychological transformations they have both experienced as a result of undertaking voluntary challenges out in nature. Mike tells the story of how his own running career came to an end but instilled in him the grit and determination to succeed elsewhere and Jordan explains how each of us can embark on a process of personal transformation by leveraging that which  we have by default, the most beautiful asset on planet earth, the body we were born with.If you want to move boldly into 2024, with the mindset of endurance...or perhaps you're making your New Years resolutions as we speak - if so, this is the episode for you.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

For our end of year review we are joined by popular podcast host and returning guest Jonny HODL (Staying Free Podcast) to reflect on 2023. It has certainly been another crazy year in clown world and yet, despite this, many of us have managed to make big strides in our personal lives. Particularly when it comes to our careers and building more resilient communities.So Mike and Jonny discuss all the comings and goings, from the long line of new and ‘radical’ politicians who seem to appear just at the right time when the public seem to be checking out; to the financial crisis that now looms large as we head into 2024. They also discuss the very real prospect that what we are actually seeing is the end of empire and how this might impact the world ongoing.Then in part two Jonny discusses what he thinks we might see in 2024. With both him and Mike talking about some of the very big cycles that are now in play such as the solar cycle and the coming presidential election. They also discuss what they see as the hopeful path for those who want to take it, sharing what they’re doing in their own lives to ensure 2024 is a great one no matter what is taking place externally.As a conversation hopefully this one will help you to reflect on where we are and where we might be heading…but then importantly to see how you might navigate this to ensure your own success – irrespective of what events occur within the greatest show on earth, aka, clown world!

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

In episode 39 we begin our exploration into the ‘Lost Virtues’ by discussing a core virtue of Christianity, that of charity.But it’s not just the Christians who recognize how charity can indeed be the path to salvation. The Buddhists for example, also believed that it wasn’t the prayer and meditation that brought one to enlightenment…or at least not before preceding them with right actions. With good deeds. With charity.
We consider why in this age of dead materialism charity is missing. And why even spirituality has for many become just another expression of ‘me-ism’, devoid of the virtues we’re going to be discussing in the coming months. So could charity still offer us a way of escaping the trappings of narcissism and greed and navigating ourselves towards a greater good? Through the positive actions we do for others? For me personally, I think it can.
So as we go into Christmas, a time when traditionally charity would have been a key focus for those of faith…lets bring back into view the virtue of charity. To do this we are joined by returning guest Rick Munn to not only discuss charity, but also Rick’s own missionary work and how doing things for others helped him escape the trappings of selfishness.
In part 2 Mike and Rick go deeper into the philosophy of charity and also it’s counterpart which is of course gratitude. They also discuss the alchemy of good works and how the physical act of charity, when enacted with pure intentions, is a form of spiritual alchemy that no amount of financial donation can compete with.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

In episode 38 we are exploring the history of art and how it was possible we went from the great cathedrals of Europe and the exquisite statues of ancient Greece—to the nihilism of modern art. Joining me for this exploration is artist and art conservator Monika, who has first hand experience on working on some of histories most priceless building and the art contained within them.
In part one we find out what can be learnt from looking at the majestic cathedrals and stained glass windows of Europe. We discuss what mastery was required to achieve the artistry that we see today as simply insurmountable in skill and beauty. We also ask why it is that today people seem incapable of recreating anything that comes close.
Then we turn out attention to the reality of history, that since the 14th century at least the entire art world was orchestrated and funded by—you guessed it—the banking elite. And that being so, is it not possible...likely even...that much of what we think we know about art is fabrication? That art itself is a tool of the oligarchs not just for self enrichment, but for social engineering.
Which takes us nicely into part two where the discussion continues and Mike and his guest reflect upon the state of art in 2023. The fabled ‘modern art’ which promotes nihilism and dead materialism to an extreme, not to mention facilitates money laundering on an industrial scale. Welcome to the world of art! A fascinating episode that sets the stage for many future explorations in this subject matter.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

On September 11th 2001 one of the greatest crimes in history took place. It was a day of insanity the likes of which the world had never seen before. Billions of people watched on in horror on their TV screens as planes flew into buildings. With said buildings then inexplicably collapsing into dust. It looked like a Hollywood movie and for many, it was in a very literal sense. Not because the event didn't happen, but because they felt it was scripted to happen.
In the years the followed countless hours of analysis and revelation of method ensued, making it potentially the biggest wake up event in history. For many, after 9/11...the reality of good and evil was revealed. Never to be forgotten. For others, it would be some 20 years later when Covid, the next major event of this time, that they would finally realize the occult fiction they were living in.
But of all the analysis that has been done on 9/11 there are still a few that rarely get heard. One such analysis is the flights themselves, from the technical perspective of a professional pilot. The official story is that 6 men armed with box cutters managed to hijack a commercial airliner and fly it with precision towards the WTC buildings, despite only having a few hours of flying light aircrafts under there belt.
Is that even possible? Well today we speak to pilot Captain Dan Hanley, who runs to discuss this very unique aspect of the event, along with a whole hose of other interesting facets relating to that day. Remote control planes? Controlled demolition? The involvement of Western allies? Dan talks us through all of it with a particular focus on his area of expertise, aviation. 
Then in part 2 Mike picks apart another little discussed aspect of the event, this time focusing on the financial anomalies that took place around September 11th. From insider trading on the London and New York stock  exchanges in the week prior to 9/11 suggesting somebody knew the attacks were coming to a gold and diamond heist that took place literally as the buildings were ablaze post impact. Who knew about these attacks and profited from them and how were they able to get away with it? 

#36- The Anarchists Revelation

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

What does anarchy mean to you? Many of us we were programmed to think it means the destruction or order, chaos and perhaps even nihilism. As is often the case however this understanding is dead wrong and has been entirely inverted in order to detract from the true meaning of anarchism which is simply to live without earthly rulers or government. To be free and sovereign, within natural law rather than MANS law...just as our creator intended.
To better understand what anarchism truly is therefore, today we speak to author, activist and lifelong anarchist Paul Cudenec. As a writer Paul has produced numerous books on the subject of anarchy including one from which the title of this episode comes 'The Anarchist Revelation'. Paul is also the creator of the website Winter Oak were he shares his research and writing exposing the infrastructure of tyranny, as well the anarchist solutions to it.
In part 1 Mike and Paul discuss some of Paul's most recent research including his book on the Rothschild banking clan and their capture of global wealth and a deep dive into the legacy of imperialism behind the commonwealth. Then in part 2 Mike discusses with Paul how Anarchism can be harnessed as a driving philosophy to help individuals emancipate themselves from the coming techno-totalitarian nightmare.
What other options are available and how does anarchism fit into this? They also discuss the role of spirituality in overcoming evil and how despite the many obstacles ahead of us...hope and optimism is the only answer. As part of this discussion Mike and Paul share their own conception of God and how this feeds back into individual freedom. You can check out Paul's fantastic writing and books through the links below the show notes.

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

This week we have past guest Matt Sergiou back on the show to discuss what might be the Tavistock Clinics first successful foray into social engineering. Enter the Bloomsbury Set, a group of artists, writers and ‘social influencers’ that gathered in and around Bloomsbury in London at the turn of the century.
The group are today mostly known for their respective contributions to art and literature, but when we look more closely at them some red flags jump out at us that suggest more was going on than meets the eye.Such the fact that despite forming in and around the early 1900’s...the Bloomsbury group were extremely liberal in their values. With them promoting in their work and private lives the kind of polyamorous sexuality and liberal ideologies that just decades later during the 60’s and 70’s would be enacted by the flower power generation.
Knowing as we now do that the ‘counter culture’ revolution and the music scene that informed it was socially engineered. With subversive elements like the Tavistock Clinic essentially designing the culture in order to debase morality and turn children against their parents...would it surprise you to learn that the Tavistock Clinic began it’s life in, you guessed it, Bloomsbury?
Is it really a coincidence that this group of artists and writers, as well as oddball member John Maynard Keynes...the most influential economist in history, all went on to have a profound influence on the emerging culture of the 1900’s? Was this really a naturally occurring event?
Or was there a puppet master waiting in the wings, directing the arc of history and those who would help further it? In episode 34 Mike and Matt make the compelling case for the Bloomsbury Set and Bloomsbury in general being the dry run for socially engineering the youth...before then going on to enact it en-masse in the 1960’s/70’s.

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

In episode 34 we are recounting one of the most important historical narratives for understanding the takeover of the world by the a banking cartel and what we know today simply as ‘The Crown’. Our story begins in part 1 with the 1066 invasion of England by William the Bastard – also known as William the Conqueror. Prior to this England was a nation of simple homesteaders. Warrior/ farmers who had full title and ownership of their land, debt and tax free. With his victory at the Battle of Hastings however all of this was to change. With William having took the throne of England he declared himself sole and absolute owner of all land. He then created a new legal construct whereby the only other form of ownership possible would be one in which the person with the title of ownership would remain subordinate to the Crown.This terrible event destroyed the property rights of the men and women of England and turned them into serfs upon the land. For helping him win the Battle of Hastings William handed off large swathes of this land to the French aristocrats who came with him and the legacy of this great crime exists to this very day, as you are going to find out in this packed episode.So in part 1 we will look at how the fabled Allodial Title was destroyed and turned into Fee Simple, by recounting the story of one of the greatest land grabs in history. Then as we go into part 2 we will look at how the legacy of this crime continues to this very day, given English Common Law and modern day property rights continued to grant the Crown absolute ownership of all land everywhere. Meaning the property people think they own, is actually really owned by the crown. Hence why we are taxed on it and if we die with no heir, it returns to it’s own….the Crown.We also peer behind the curtain in part 2 to look at land registry in England and how the wealthy elite manage to keep their land off the record. We then ask who really owns the land of England, given 20% of it has never been registered at all. Why is this and who are these mysterious owners? Finally we look at Allodial Title in general, and ask the question…could we regain it? Is it possible and if so, where is the best place to start?

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Going into the anniversary of the supposed assassination of JFK, in episode 33 we take a fresh look at John F Kennedy and the event that took place in Dallas 60 years prior. This includes an analysis of a disturbing new documentary titled ‘JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century’ which offers up some explosive new evidence suggesting that what really happened in Dealey Plaza all those years ago is not what we think at all.
As part of this exploration we discuss how John F Kennedy was and what his real agenda might have been whilst in office as US president. We look at executive order 11110 in which JFK was rumored to have been taking on the FED by reauthorizing US government to print their own – interest free – bank notes.
We then look into the many red flags surrounding the day itself before going into part 2 where Mike interviews the documentaries director Ryder Lee. Here Mike and Ryder go deeper into the content of the film itself – discussing the evidence Ryder uncovered and what this might mean for the world if true.
Join us, as we look back on the life of one of histories most interesting characters before we ask the question, is the world really….just one giant stage? This is an explosive episode and one you certainly do not want to miss.
GUEST LINKS:FILM: Watch JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century | Prime Video ( Raised By Giants | Rokfin

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