Parallel Mike Podcast

The Parallel Mike Podcast lifts the veil on 5000 plus years of monetary alchemy and hidden esoteric knowledge. Along the way we attempt to decode the past, by exploring the spirituality & symbolism that surrounds us all.

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Thursday Mar 14, 2024

The person consists of both soul and body; and the phrase, the removaI of such person, in a law relating to residence, means, the removal of the soul and body in life, and not the withdrawal of the former from the latter merely. Tute v. Jame.s,46 Vi. 60. Persons are divided by law into natural and artificial. Natural persons are such as the God of nature formed us; artificial are such as are created and devised by human laws, for the purposes of society and government, which are called corporations or bodies politic. 1 Bl. Com. 123.
What’s in a name? Or more specifically your surname, which has actually only existed for a few hundred years. So how did people survive for tens of thousands of years only their first name...their Christ name—but no last name? And why did it all change around the 1500’s, which not so coincidentally also happened to be the same period in which the banking oligarchies began to expand their presence across Europe. Could it be that our Surname is not real our name at all, but the name of something artificial.
A legal construct, so to speak, that can be taxed, fined, drafted and made responsible for the trillions of dollars of DEBT that the banksters have loaned into existence. In Episode 52 we dive into the rabbit hole once more to uncover what the all caps last name really means and how we can to posses it. In part one we cover the history of the surname and make sense of why it was introduced to begin with. Then in part 2 we reveal how it is being used to turn the natural living person into an artificial legal fiction, and how we unwittingly accept this through the adoption of the Roman Cognoman...aka, the Surname.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Gold has recently hit all time highs, but look at the mainstream media and there is a good chance you won’t see a single news article informing you of it! Why is that? Could it be that it exposes what those at the top fear most of all…the disillusionment of a growing number of savvy citizens in the global FIAT ponzi scheme they’ve created.
With the US now printing $1 trillion dollars every three months, it’s becoming clearer by the day that the path we are on in completely unsustainable. So what is the utility of gold in 2024. Is it really a barbarous relic? Or can it provide us with something other assets, like cryptocurrencies, simply cannot?
To discuss this Mike welcomes to the show precious metals expert and host of Palisades Gold Radio Tom Bodrovics. In part one Mike and Tom discuss why they both turn to gold as a key form of wealth preservation and why despite what the media is telling us about more modern assets such as Bitcoin for example, it is no replacement for gold and silver bullion.
Then in part 2, Mike and Tom get to discussing how the same philosophy that underlies investing for the long term, using an asset like gold, can also be translated into investing in oneself. What Tom calls holistic living. This one is packed with practical lessons and advice for not just protecting your wealth going into hard times, but for getting mentally and practically prepared for them also.

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

For episode 50 Mike is joined for a special in person interview on his farm in Poland by returning guest Jonny HODL of the Staying Free Podcast. Jonny interviews Mike on the topic of his early childhood experiences and the journey that led him to becoming the man he is today.Mike explores what it was like growing up the son of a prominent British gangster who was sent to prison when he was aged 11 for his role in attempting to smuggle $40 million dollars of drugs into Great Britain. Mike discusses the impact this had on him and how he almost ended up going down a similar path in his own life.They talk about turning obstacles into strengths, intuition and the profound changes that we are now experiencing as a consequence of big cyclical changes. Unstoppable changes, that one way or another we must accept and face up too with all the strength we can muster. In part 2 Jonny discusses his experiences of depression and what this taught him about living authentically.All in all episode 50 is a story about growth and living with radical personal responsibility. Accepting what will be and moving forward courageously, knowing that the outcome is not what matters most, but how we act en route to it.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

In episode 49 we are joined by Courtenay Turner to discuss NAC's. Land is the ultimate asset from which all wealth is derived. Hence why since the dawn of time man has fought for control of it. Today is no different, and right now a war is underway to not just take back the land...but to ensure it is then put offline permanently. For you and I, that is.
Enter the Natural Asset Class, a dangerous and cynical attempt by the global banking predators to turn all of nature into a new asset class that will enable them to list mother nature on the stock exchange. From here, our farmland, national parks and even streams and rivers can be traded and gambled with like poker chips at a Las Vegas casino.
As insane as this sounds, the agenda is already well underway, wrapped up in fuzzy sounding words like 'sustainability' and 'biodiversity' for us...whist behind the scenes Blackrock and the World Bank openly speak about how NAC's will created a $4 Quadrillion dollar market for the rich to play with. But knowing what we know about the ponzi financial system, perhaps there is another agenda on top of just greed and gain. Because by listing nature on the stock exchange it is sure to be collateralized along with all the other financial assets and held against the national debt.
To discuss NAC's and the push to put all of natures processes into the stock market we are joined by Courtenay Turner who not only has done extensive research into NAC's but also helped successfully fight back against having them listed on the New York Stock Exchange. But this was only round one, and there are many mechanisms now in play to ensure NAC's become the new ponzi economy. This is a must listen and share episode for getting up to speed with the hidden push to rob us of our commons, privatize nature and ultimately destroy our capacity for self determination.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

The original conspiracy theory and likely the first most people are confronted with in life is the idea that governments are harboring secret knowledge of alien contact. For many of us, this conspiracy is adopted at a subconscious level from a very early age. If you think back to your childhood and the media you were exposed too…it’s highly likely it was feeding you narratives around UFO’s and aliens from the ages of 4 up.
Over the years there have been countless recorded experiences of unidentified flying objects. With people describing everything from flying sources to literal contact with alien beings. Meanwhile, governments the world over have for many years denied having any evidence of such things – which of course only added further fueling the belief that a conspiracy existed. Around these ideas a whole mega industry has grown, from blockbuster Hollywood movies to international conferences and today a plethora of online media.
But like many once fictional narratives, as time has gone on what began as science fiction is now becoming science fact. Governments no longer deny UFO’s exist, in fact, they now actively try and convince us they do. With so many people now invested in these narratives, which like I said, they absorbed from a very young age – it seems the truth is FINALLY being revealed. That one day very soon, we are going to find out aliens really do exist, and not only that, our governments have evidence of it. Heck, maybe they have even contacted them already!
But wait just a minute…when has Hollywood and our governments ever willingly released this kind of information without a bigger agenda being in play? And what if there was evidence that from the very beginning there was something rotten in the state Denmark (to quote Shakespeare). Could it be possible that the real conspiracy, is that the UFO stories were a lie all along. And that some of the most fundamental narratives the UFO genre rests its many stories upon were in fact media and intelligence operations from the very beginning?
In episode 48 we explore the controversial and shocking evidence, as delivered by returning guest Ryder Lee, that perhaps all along they WANTED us to believe. For the open minded, this episode might just make you question everything you thought you knew about UFO’s. EPISODE LINKS PART 2 FOR MEMBERS AT: https://www.parallelmike.comMIKES INVESTING NEWSLETTER: RAISED BY GIANTS CHANNEL: RYDER'S NEW JFK DOCUMENTARY 'JFK X': TWITTER:

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Hippocrates famously said ‘let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food’, and looking at what passes as food in the West is it any wonder we are the sickest and most unhealthy generation in human history? Rates of cancer, neurological disorders, autism and obesity have skyrocketed over the past 30 years and show no signs of stopping. But it isn’t just our food that is harming us, increasingly, our environment is being turned into a poisonous mess.So in episode 47 we call in the expert Lanni from Greener Postures to discuss the lose art of fermentation. In part one we discuss why fermented foods are so amazing when it comes to building strong, healthy immune systems. We talk about how they can help fix an array of immune disorders and Lanni shares her own story as to how she found fermentation and how this changed her families. Lanni also shares some recipes and then in part 2 Mike and Lanni discuss the importance of fermentation when it comes to surviving hard times, how it can help treat depression and Lanni shares how to make awesome Sourdoughs.Given where we are in history and what looks to be on the horizon, this is one not to miss. These skills are without doubt going to be needed on day very soon. We must not wait until the day arrives when there is no food left on the shelves and medical care is impossible to access to take action. Never before has it been more important to become sovereign when it comes to your health and your food. In episode 47 Lanni shows us the simple routes available to everyone that will help us achieve this.
LANNI’S LINKS:LINKTREE: Greener Postures | Twitter, Instagram | LinktreeWORKSHOPS: Workshops – Greener PosturesPODCAST: Podcast – Greener PosturesYOUTUBE:

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

In 1942 a new global entity was formed called the United Nations, with the express goal of helping to bring about ‘world peace’. In the 80 years that followed the world has been at constant war, with hundreds of millions of lives lost as a result. A damning indictment on the efficacy of the UN in achieving their stated aims and yet, their apparatus not only remains, but it has expanded to monolithic proportions. This includes hundreds of supranational bodies and entities designed to control everything from the global monetary system to the global agenda when it comes to what they laughably call global ‘health’ care. One such body is UNESCO, the little brother of the UN is was tasked with setting the agenda when it comes to education, culture, science, the arts and history.In tonight’s show we look into the history of UNESCO, beginning with the first director general Julian Huxley, who it may or may not surprise you to learn was also president of the British Eugenicist Society and someone who openly called for the merging of man and machine. In fact, he was the man who actually coined the term transhumanism. Isn’t that a coincidence!
We also look into UNESCO’s power over World Heritage Sites, which once designated essentially hand over control of sovereign lands to this global octopus which now, under the auspices of ‘sustainable development’, is seeking to severely and permanently limit our access to natural resources and land.  But don’t worry, they have some mRNA and a smart city pod to offer you as compensation. What, you’re not interested….well it doesn’t matter, because they don’t care about what we want. Welcome to one world government!

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

In episode 45 Mike is joined by researcher and investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore to discuss technology cycles and the lost art of online research. In part one they consider just how close we really are to the techno-dystopian future promised by the WEF and their ilk at every possible opportunity, including looking at how the Kondratieff and solar cycles all point to decline and war, rather then growth. Or put another way, exactly what we are seeing take place across the world right this moment.As part of this discussion they get into the origins of Bitcoin and consider why people are so afraid of hearing ideas that challenge the narratives the cling too. This then sets up part 2, where Mike and Johnny discuss some of the challenges of enacting independent research, particularly today when much of the internet is being censored and scrubbed. They offer listeners some insider tips and tricks they utilize in order to get around the algos and find what is believed to be lost.So join us in episode 45 to reflect on what comes next and learn some practical skills that will enable you to become your own detective, capable of finding the truth admist a sea of lies and disinformation....or something close.

Thursday Jan 18, 2024

In 2023 a book called the Great Taking was released detailing how a doomsday mechanism has been inserted into the heart of the global financial system that will enable the banking elite to literally TAKE the majority of the worlds assets, in one fell swoop, during the next financial crisis. But make no mistake, this is not a work of fiction. Nor was it written by a conspiracy theorist without credibility.The book was in fact written by a man named David Rogers Webb, one of the most successful hedge fund managers in history, who for many years expertly managed billions of dollars of clients money. It was during this time David began to realize the financial system was not only headed for an endgame crisis, but that behind the scenes the banking oligarchy where putting into place the steps that would enable them to legally confiscate all financial assets when it occurred.This is a story about property right theft, the corruption of law and the attempt by the subjugate the many. In episode 44 Mike sits down to talk to David about the book and about how we might face up to the situation we now collectively find ourselves in. Along the way they discuss how to fight back to try and put a halt the great taking and David explains how he is getting himself and his family ready for the many crises that are manifesting on route to it.In part 2 there is also an extensive conversation about good, evil and spiritual redemption. Because this is ultimately what this whole situation is about. Good vs Evil.'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in high places.' - Ephesians 6:12

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024

In episode 43 we have returning guest Matt Sergiou joining us to continue the conversation on social engineering. In this one we turn our attention to a once secret society who still exist today, albeit completely out in the open, called the Fabian society.
With logos such as a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a tortoise to show their gradual approach to forcing social change via the MSM, politics, science and economics...their agenda from the very beginning was to help instill global socialism.
Socialism the sort in which you own nothing, and a small cabal of ‘Socialist Aristocrats’ and secret occultists...own the lot. Oh, and did I mention the part about depopulation and eugenics? And from this vantage point in history, it would be fair to say their objectives are closer than ever to completion.
But who are they and why still today, are the members of societies like the Fabians, and their many minions in music, the arts, science and politics still lauded as ‘heroic’ figures. When the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.
Join us in episode 42 as we explore the Fabians. Another key episode in our ongoing discussion on how for over 100 years a coherent and consistent agenda was applied at all levels of culture, to socially engineer the current agenda.

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